Dental Implant Institute Steigmann
Lisbon, Portugal
Over the years we realized that specific skills in handling tissues are the priority in implant therapy. Adjusting soft tissue handling to the specific anatomy and biotype of each patient. For this reason the courses at Steigmann Institute focus to teach these specific, valid techniques during surgery and prosthetics in a unique comprehensive way. Hands-On on human like tissue helps incorporate up-to-date scientific based surgical approach in daily practice. Finding out there is a need for a more structured approach in learning about the soft tissue, we offer the whole range of soft tissue management for every location in the oral cavity.
Teaching Methodology
Lisbon, Portugal
Participants will learn in theory first how different tissue biotype react different to surgical trauma. For this reason we have adjusted the surgical approach to the biotype (tissue thickness) specific to each patient and location in the oral cavity.
The Hands on exercise will let the participants practice these specific techniques with specially designed instruments by Dr. Steigmann (micro-instruments & soft tissue splitters).
Learn Suturing methods with micro-sutures of different composition. Each participants will learn suturing adequate techniques with multifilament, monofilament and PFTE suturing materials.
Specially designed models and pig jaws also extra edited videos for every procedure.
The tissue thickness dictates the way it is manipulated for high volume augmentation.
The course will describe step by step the gain of soft tissue for tension free closure even in cases of reduced soft tissue thickness. By examples of failure teach how to avoid mistakes.
Live surgery can be observed while parallel on different screen the procedure is described by adjunct faculty. Ergonomic equipment and generous lecture and practice rooms enhance the mediation of
theoretical and practical educational contents and facilitate the learning of ultra-modern surgical techniques.
Participants discuss their own cases & complications.
Clinicians will learn how to build treatment plans based on individual circumstances. The participants will get to plan prosthetically and aesthetically the position of the implant on special designed models.
Lisbon, Portugal
Different tissue biotype react differently to surgical trauma. For this reason, we have adjusted the surgical approach to the phenotype (tissue thickness) specific to each patient and location in the oral cavity.
Most of the complications in bone augmentation are due to soft tissue manipulation like: flap dehiscence, flap tension, flap necrosis, hematoma and swelling, lead to personalized soft tissue managements.
The Soft tissue phenotype/thickness dictates the way it is manipulated for high volume augmentation. Thick biotype can be managed in a classical manner. On the other side thin phenotype/thickness needs new surgical approaches with specific techniques / instruments. The course will describe step by step the gain of soft tissue for tension free closure even incases of reduced soft tissue thickness.
During the course, you will learn new incision flap designs and suturing techniques, perform various soft-tissue manipulation procedures such as PRI periosteal releasing incision , mucosal detachment , and many more techniques for the posterior maxilla.
The Mucosal detachment - soft tissue manipulation for thin phenotype or high volume augmentation Soft tissue manipulation for horizontal bone grafting
Soft tissue manipulation for vertical bone grafting
Soft tissue tension free closure – step by step
Tension free flap adaptation – multiple options
The Mucosal detachment (soft tissue manipulation for thin Phenotype or high volume augmentation)
Suturing techniques with and against tension.
Tension suture and reposition suture
Soft tissue manipulation for guided bone regeneration & implant placement
PPF - Periosteal Pocket Flap
VBF - Versatile Buccal Flap
Adequate soft tissue manipulation for thin and thick phenotype.
Improve soft tissue thickness
Create keratinized gingival before and after bone augmentation/implant placement
Vertical bone augmentation - material, membrane, instruments
Bone augmentation in the maxilla - palatal sliding flap
Bone augmentation in the mandible PPF, VBF or Steipod
The program will begin with a didactic portion follow by hands-on exercises on pig jaws, providing participants with an opportunity to expand their knowledge and refine their surgical skills with surgical Instruments, that were developed by Dr. Steigmann.
By the end of the session, attendees will have gained valuable experience and confidence in their abilities, which they can then apply to their own practice.
Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Marius Steigmann
Graduated in Dental Medicine in Neumarkt in 1987. In 2005 Dr. Steigmann received his phd Summa cum laude from university of Neumarkt.
He is a Diplomate of the ICOI and a member of the board of the DGOI. He has also received the medal of “Semmelweiss” Budapest University dental school dept. of oral and maxillofacial surgery. He is the founder and Scientific chairman of “Update Implantologie Heidelberg” 2002-2011 and the founder and director of the “Steigmann Institute”.
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor University of Michigan Dpt. of Periodontics
Adjunct Assistant Professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery Boston University
Adjunct Assistant Professor University of Pennsylvania Dpt. of Endodontics
Honorary Professor of the “Carol Davila “university Bucharest, Invited Senior Guest
Visiting Professor university of Szeged faculty of dentistry
Visiting professor department of Implantology in Temeschburg
Dr.Steigmann lectures and publishes extensively
Member of several associations (such as DGOI, FIZ,BDIZ und ICOI)
He is a Diplomate of the ICOI and other European societies
Member of the board of the DGOI.
Dr.Steigmann also received the medal of “Semmelweiss“ Budapest University dental scool, dept. of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Dr. Steigmann received his phd from university of Neumarkt 2005.
Founder and Scientific chairman of “Update Implantologie Heidelberg” 2002-2012.
Dr. Steigmann served as ICOI Vice President of Germany 2005-2011.
Founder and director of the “Steigmann Institute”.
Dr. Steigmann maintains a private practice in Neckargemünd, Germany.
Mais Informações
Lisbon, Portugal